Monday, June 05, 2006

Colorful Life.

Image by Joel Crisp, stolen from the band's myspace page. Sorry!

So, we punked out Friday and neglected to stand in the rain to witness the free SFA show at South Street Seaport (which apparently morphed into Gruff Ryhs doing an acoustic set in the downpour). So we decided to catch Art School Confidential (awesome) and listen to our newest British band crush, Cajun Dance Party. CDP have a median age of about 16, and the lead singer basically sounds like Jarvis' pubescent nephew who stumbled upon his uncle's old LPs, recorded a bunch of songs with friends on his iBook, and bought his weight in thrift store dinner jackets. A delight to behold, really. We suggest "Buttercups" for heartstring-tugging, eye-welling teen-pop bliss.


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