Saturday, March 10, 2007

Mel C Looks Like Chan Marshall In Her New Video And It Disturbs Us

Nothing against Melanie C in theory, although we're rather perplexed as to why someone would think that the 56 millionth cover of The Strangeloves' "I Want Candy" would make for a good comeback vehicle. Seriously, could we be bored any harder. The only interesting thing about this video is that she looks like some sort of bizarro Cat Power, and seeing her flanked at each side by topless men in police uniforms is, quite frankly, too much to handle.

In other news, EMI seems to have registered a domain name for the Spice Girls renion tour, even though Mel C hasn't committed. Whatever! We're sure it's for chairty or something so that bitch will come around soon enough. Not only that, Simon Fuller probably has like $90 million hanging over her head or something.

We can almost hear the sounds of hundreds of Firefox windows closing after reading this post, but whatever, we're pumped about this. We could give a shit about Sufjan composing the oboe section of his new album about water faeries. Girl power!

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