Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Let Us Preface This Post By Saying We Love The Gossip

But seriously, WE GET IT.

We're not being ironic or anything when we say there's something very inspiring about gay people destroying stereotypes--or ANYONE destroying stereotypes for that matter--and yeah, Standing in the Way of Control is pretty good, though nowhere near the genius of Movement or Arkansas Heat. And we're sure that there are places in the world where people are still offended by people like Beth, and God bless her for being a role model for fat gay kids the world over. But we doubt the demographic that really needs to be reached is the NME readership. We're over it. OVER IT. We know we're just bitching and not even making a valid point, but there's something about seeing her naked ALL THE TIME that kind of demeans the entire point of what she's trying to convey (that said, we'd be totally behind that same image being used in the Post or something). We haven't read one interview during this whole campaign that talked about why they replaced Cathy the drummer with Hannah from Shoplifting or the fact that they made their first video despite being punk rock staples since the late '90s. it's just like, hey everyone, she's fat isn't that cool. And yes, it can be, but please let's talk about some tunes.

Thank God no ones reads this blog or we'd be in so much trouble right now.

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Blogger Sovietpanda said...

A-fucking-men. I used to think this band was brilliant. I saw her and the guitarist interviewed on MTV2 once, and they came off as boring idiots. And really into zines, ooooh!

6:17 AM  
Blogger CEC said...

I know SO PUNK! I wish they would get that one girl back on drums and make something like "Fire/Sign" again.

5:55 PM  
Blogger travis said...

well to give beth some credit... it's not like she just started taking off her clothes.. actually she seems more modest now then she was five years ago. but whatever.

i know in some early sitwoc interviews they talked about cathy leaving the band to go to midwife school. i don't think it's much of a story --- no dramatic fall out or anything. so that's probably why you haven't heard much talk. anyway... most people listening to the gossip these days never knew the band without hannah.

10:07 PM  
Blogger CEC said...

I think Hannah is a great drummer and I like Shoplifting, but the biggest disappointment for me when I first heard SITWOC was the super slick, professional-sounding drumming (slick for the Gossip, at least). What made them interesting was the total LACK of disco hi-hats and shit like that, yet they still make dance-punk songs at points in their career. Now they're just another band in a long line of indie dance disco punk funk whatevers. Sad.

4:38 PM  

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