Oh look...
...we've logged into Blogger for the first time in a month because it's the weekend and it's raining, to bring you "news" about an artist everyone has heard already. Is DN "dead" (or was it indeed ever alive?) Leave your verdict in the comment section. And by "Leave your verdict in the comment section", we mean don't.

This is Ladyhawke (we told you), and approx. two weeks ago we got her debut album (we think it's called "Ladyhawke" but we LITERALLY can't be fucked to toggle between Firefox to iTunes and back to Firefox to corroborate this fact--that's how bad life has become) and guess what readers--it's GOOD. Not BRILLIANT, as in "I wish something BRILLIANT like "Biology" from Girls Aloud would come around again already" but GOOD as in "That first Cut Copy album is pretty good, isn't it?"
If we were to imagine a scenario in which Ladyhawke was about to leap to her death from the balcony she is on in the above photograph, we'd say something like "NO! Don't do it, because we like your music, even though the bridge on "Runaway" is note for note the bridge on "Video Killed the Radio Star", and none of the songs are quite as good as "My Delirium"!" In our imagination, we would yell this from a top of a firetruck filled with really hot men into a discoball bullhorn.
Ladyhawke: 80% amazing.

This is Ladyhawke (we told you), and approx. two weeks ago we got her debut album (we think it's called "Ladyhawke" but we LITERALLY can't be fucked to toggle between Firefox to iTunes and back to Firefox to corroborate this fact--that's how bad life has become) and guess what readers--it's GOOD. Not BRILLIANT, as in "I wish something BRILLIANT like "Biology" from Girls Aloud would come around again already" but GOOD as in "That first Cut Copy album is pretty good, isn't it?"
If we were to imagine a scenario in which Ladyhawke was about to leap to her death from the balcony she is on in the above photograph, we'd say something like "NO! Don't do it, because we like your music, even though the bridge on "Runaway" is note for note the bridge on "Video Killed the Radio Star", and none of the songs are quite as good as "My Delirium"!" In our imagination, we would yell this from a top of a firetruck filled with really hot men into a discoball bullhorn.
Ladyhawke: 80% amazing.
Labels: ladyhawke
i'm with you. i enjoy but every time i listen i'm picking apart the reference points, especially singing "ooh ooh you were the first one" on "runway." but i do like it. but not love.
why quit it?
no more shared google reader posts... no more disconap...
what is this world coming to?
let it live
let it live
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