Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Bloggers With Zero Hand-Eye Coordination DJ Crashin' In With Their Favorite Teenage Band

Yes, you've read correctly. After a trial run a few weeks ago at The Annex, where the bartender totally went ape-shit and cut off our grande finale of "Destroy Everything You Touch", CEC and KKH are dipping their collective pinkie toe in the DJ kiddie pool once again--but this time at the fabled Crashin' In night. Not only is that amazing, but we'll be DJing with our mentors DJ Oil, Paulie and Gerald, AND two of our favorite bands of the moment, Holy Hail and the motherfucking Spinto Band will be performing! I know, you can barely raise your jaw from your desk to form the letters "OMG". So come all, be merry, and we might just take your request*!

*We won't.

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