Thursday, August 23, 2007

It Came From WTF: Lil' Mama's so fucking Zwinky

If you've been on Myspace anytime within the last 3 million years, you've probably seen those insanely annoying ads for "Zwinkys" ("Zwinkies" we guess? Does grammar even matter anymore?), which, when we've allowed ourselves to think about them for no longer than four seconds, seem to be some sort of icon generator for "instant messaging" your "friends". Or something. Anyway, our interest has been slightly peaked by these actually rather frightening-looking pixelated hoebags because, well, of THIS:

Wow. Just wow. We had no idea this (once again for the record) INSANELY ANNOYING advertising campaign had reached places OUTISDE OF MYSPACE, let along primetime television. And the fact they Jive have decided to put all their cards on the table and market Lil' Mama (who, may we remind all of you, is actually a GOOD RAPPER) to the tween demographic kind of breaks our souls--OK, we guess our souls are more just sort of sprained, but you can't deny the awesomeness of "Lipgloss" and "No Music". Oh well, we guess that just makes us EVEN MORE like 15-year-old girls than we thought.

EDIT: OK, HOW FUCKING CREEPY IS IT when the Zwinky WHISPERS "'Voice Of the Young People' comin' soon!" What in the holy name of fuck?!?! We assume that's what Mama's album is called or something, but Jesus, we thought we were in Children of the Corn or some shit!

EDIT 2: Sorry, we didn't mean to make a 900 word post about fucking Zwinky, but this 10-year-old girl just slayed the universe.

Back to your previously scheduled blogging.

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