Can you show me a good time? Do you know what one looks like?

According to the NME (and really, what isn't?), Brit-pop legends and best-band-to-ever-walk-the-Earth Pulp are set to re-issue their seminal albums His 'n' Hers, Different Class and This is Hardcore this August, at least in the U.K. So basically, get ready to spend like $600.
If you all remember correctly, Different Class was actually released with a limited edition bonus disc of b-sides and rarities entitled Second Class back in '95--and we're going to be super pissed if they rehash those tracks for these re-issues. But that said, every single one of the His 'n' Hers-era tracks are nothing short of marvelous, so we're looking forward to having some of that shit on CD. Once again, evil record labels have conned willing superfans into spending way, way more money then they should. Curses.
On another note, if anyone has extra Fourth of July B&S tickets, feel free to hook it up with some poor disconappers-- both KKH and I are stuck at work crying into our keyboards.