Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Can you show me a good time? Do you know what one looks like?

According to the NME (and really, what isn't?), Brit-pop legends and best-band-to-ever-walk-the-Earth Pulp are set to re-issue their seminal albums His 'n' Hers, Different Class and This is Hardcore this August, at least in the U.K. So basically, get ready to spend like $600.

If you all remember correctly, Different Class was actually released with a limited edition bonus disc of b-sides and rarities entitled Second Class back in '95--and we're going to be super pissed if they rehash those tracks for these re-issues. But that said, every single one of the His 'n' Hers-era tracks are nothing short of marvelous, so we're looking forward to having some of that shit on CD. Once again, evil record labels have conned willing superfans into spending way, way more money then they should. Curses.

On another note, if anyone has extra Fourth of July B&S tickets, feel free to hook it up with some poor disconappers-- both KKH and I are stuck at work crying into our keyboards.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Question of the Day

Does anyone really listen to Razorlight?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

THE CREATURE RETURNS! free sparks + FLUXBLOG this Thursday!

Thursdays are the new Fridays, so come dance with us at this week's CREATURE.
Resident creatures Broccoli (Insound), Jagga (Joseph Francis Machine), and Doorknobs guarantee to keep it fresh with "indie-fuck rock, shitty techno, and midtown metal."

The Creature | Thursday, 6/15 | 10pm-4am

**no cover with 'Creature' mention**


Sapphire | 249 Eldridge St. (between Stanton and Houston)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Britney Spears quote of the day

"I can't go anywhere without someone judging me...I did it with my dad. I'd sit on his lap and I drive. We're country."-- In an interview with Matt Lauer, regarding her "driving-with-baby-in-lap" incident.

Just some lunchtime Britney zen for you right there. Discuss amongst yourselves.

Also, it would seem like Trent has "borrowed" the CEC & KKH-coined phrase "unfortch", that Peter almost beat us down for, dear Lord.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Little Ones

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image by Aaron Farley

The weather's getting warmer; the kids want to come out play, it must mean it's time for summer jams that make you want to gaze into the eyes of another. Oh summer love…

The band that's going to make your hearts pitter-patter, is the L.A.
band The Little Ones. Formed in early 2006, this quintet has been causing some buzz and we're sure you'll be hearing more about them in the coming months. Harmonizing vocals, handclapping, and the occasional hint of mini-instruments only make us love this band even more. It's fun and it's fresh.

Check out their debut EP, Sing Song released in the Spring. Take a listen to tracks here.

They make their way to New York at the end of the month playing gigs at the Mercury Lounge and Bowery Ballroom.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Belle and Sebastian Independence Day!

Has it really been a year since we stood in line all morning to see Stephen Malkmus and Yo La Tengo play Independence Day 2005? How time flies when you're borderline-alcoholic twenty-somethings living in the big city. This year, as I'm sure you all know, the almighty twee monsters Belle and Sebastian (one of our favorite bands OF ALL TIME) are playing the same Battery Park gig that Yo La killed last year. We're so excited we could positively cry all over our vintage Judy Blume paperbacks. Only one corporate smudge has come to tarnish this day of pop reverence: YOU HAVE TO GET YOUR TICKETS FOR THIS FREE EVENT AT A FUCKING STARBUCKS. W. T. F. What does overpriced caffeine beverages have to do with us getting our Glaswegian indie-pop fix? We'll tell you: NOTHING. AND BTW, WE ARE DEEPLY TROUBLED. DEEPLY.

Anyway, here's where you'll find us lining up:
From Noon until supplies last - Starbucks, Corner of Woolworth Building, 233, Broadway at Barclay Street.
From Noon until supplies last - Starbucks, Park Slope, 164 7th Avenue, Brooklyn.
From 5pm until supplies last - Starbucks at One Battery Park Plaza, near State Street and Pearl Street
From 5pm until supplies last - Starbucks at Astor Place, 13-25 Astor Place.

God. The things we do for B&S. See you all there!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Colorful Life.

Image by Joel Crisp, stolen from the band's myspace page. Sorry!

So, we punked out Friday and neglected to stand in the rain to witness the free SFA show at South Street Seaport (which apparently morphed into Gruff Ryhs doing an acoustic set in the downpour). So we decided to catch Art School Confidential (awesome) and listen to our newest British band crush, Cajun Dance Party. CDP have a median age of about 16, and the lead singer basically sounds like Jarvis' pubescent nephew who stumbled upon his uncle's old LPs, recorded a bunch of songs with friends on his iBook, and bought his weight in thrift store dinner jackets. A delight to behold, really. We suggest "Buttercups" for heartstring-tugging, eye-welling teen-pop bliss.